Self care and staying sane

 Women need self care, we need spas and mani and pedis and massages and whatnot.

What people think is that we do these things because we are high maintenance which is not true, we do these things so that we do something that is being done for us, some pampering, some me time and some much needed break.

Women need this, but a new mother's sanity depends on it.

Women in postpartum deal with some of the worst depression that can even get to the stage of hallucinations.

So here are some things that new mothers can do that can help them stay sane and just help even if it's just a bit:

1. Take yourself on a date without the baby, eat out, hang out with friends, go to the salon, anything just have some me time alone.

2. A lot of women in postpartum feel less like themselves, they feel like they have lost the touch with themselves, for that, do something you used to enjoy a lot, something that represents you, it can look like dressing up, working out, watching your favorite drama, having your favorite snack, something that connects you with you.

3. Write, it's the simplest yet most effective thing to do, whatever you are feeling write, if you can and if you want to, you can share with someone else too like your partner, but write.

4. Be aware of your feelings, some days are harder than others so go easy on yourself, those are the days when you need that me time and solo date the most.

5. Talk nicely to yourself, beating yourself up and spewing hate on your body for how it looks like is the worst thing you can do to yourself, appreciate yourself for what you have done, thank your body and talk good about it, power of positive talk and self affirmations 

6. Last and the most important one, have a will and make conscious efforts to do better, all these tips will be of no use if you don’t have the will to put in the work.


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