Pointing fingers

 Pointing fingers and blaming others is quite easy.

All of us do it.

But what we don't understand is that when we are pointing a finger at someone, the other four fingers are being pointed at ourselves.

A basic principle as taught by our religion as well, which we have seemed to completely forget is to look at our own selves before we go about blaming others.

We don't bother looking at ourselves in the mirror, no no, we are good, we are perfect and everybody else is bad.

People like that are all around us, judging you for whatever you do no matter what. 

Let's get one thing straight, no one is pious. We are all faulty individuals. So, how come we think that we can point out mistakes in others.

Ironic isn't it.

Because the thing is, we are obsessed with this idea that everyone else is wrong and bad Muslims and we are always right and a perfect Muslim.


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