Taking turns

 People think a perfect family, a perfect relationship is that which never fights, but if you ask me a perfect relationship and a family is that which fight and comes out stronger 

See whenever we talk about relationships, we always see two people living together, loving each other and supporting each other, but often it's not that simple.

Being in a relationship means not having your favorite breakfast today because your partner wants his favorite breakfast, and it also means watching your favorite movie rather than your partner’s favorite movie because you had a bad day.

Being in a relationship is not just compromising, it's about compromising when the other person needs it more.  

When you see your partner having a rough time and you don't pile on them more, or when you think that you need a time out and ask your partner to take care of things on their own.

Compromising is an essential thing in a relationship but no one partner can do it all, both of them needs to take turns supporting each other to create a harmonious relationship.


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