Weird Gen

 This generation is the weirdest generation I have seen. You know you can characterized millennials by their old fashioned thinking, and obsession with 9-5 

This generation cannot be put into words, if they would be, it would go something like this

  • Always prioritizing taking care of themselves 
  • Not taking anybody’s shit 
  • But also accepting their own shit, and the fact that they are not and cannot always be perfect 
  • Always encouraging others to do their best but doubting their own selves 

This generation myself included, is the epitome of confusion, doubt and self perseverance. We are all about making our and others' lives easier but we also put ourselves in such difficult situations.

I think the biggest clash we as a generation face is that we always want to achieve the best but we also don't want to get into the worldly competition that everyone seems to be facing. We want to hustle but not at the cost of our personal time, energy and mental health. We want to achieve greater things, but not get obsessed by it.We as a generation are in a constant state of fight with ourselves


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