Get fit this Ramadan

 With all the pakoray, samosay and literally all kinds of fried items, we are bound to gain weight, which is not a bad thing but need I remind you how unhealthy deep fried items are ? No. But will I suggest you stop eating that when I can’t even stop myself ? No.

goofy, hungry cat

So what’s the next best thing we can do for yourself so that it does not come to a point that your body is literally begging you to stop ? Workouts

workout, chance, rapper

The misconception regarding working out is that you can and should exercise only when you want to lose some weight, when in reality you should be working out even if you have your “ideal weight”

Simple and straight way rule, get moving. Stopping yourself from devouring those delicious and devilish snacks full of calories is definitely not an option at least for us desis, so the least you can do for yourself and for your body is to get moving. 

stay active, how to stay active in ramadan

And no you don’t need to work out for hours and break a literal leg in the gym. You can start being active from the comfort of your own home. For starters you just need to spare 15-20 minutes from your day.

Start with a little stretching routine and slowly work your way up to some cardio and then if you want you can start focusing on specific workouts like abs, arms, glutes, calves, legs etc whatever you think might be your weak point.

If you are confused about where to start, here's your sign to just START.

go, tokyo drift



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