The obsession of being right

 We all know at least one person, who just has to be right ALL THE TIME. It's not about accepting your mistakes, but it's about accepting that you might be wrong sometimes and heyy it's okay.

But what I want to know is what's the root cause of this obsession. Why are people so oblivious to think that they might be wrong.

I think the adults who as a child have been overly praised for the bare minimum and always bashed for being the wrong ones usually turn into someone who cannot handle criticism.

Don't get me wrong, off course a kid should be appreciated for a good behavior and being well mannered but in my opinion, if you are raising a kid for whom you are not leaving the room for errors and mistakes, and you are not normalizing that it's okay to make mistakes, you are basically just raising a lunatic who will do anything but accept his/her mistakes. That's not just stubbornness but also toxic not just for themselves but for the people around them as well.

So parents, be aware the next time your kid is making a mistake, don't make a big deal out of it, and tell them that they made an error and it's OKAY.

Disney junior



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