Non Judgemental doctors

 People (read doctors) are gonna come at me for writing this blog but meh

The need of non judgemental doctors in our society, is something not a lot of people talk about, but when a patient comes to you with a problem they don't need you to blame them for their sickness, yes I know a lot of people are stupid and most of the time they are sick because of something they did but not everyone.

One of the biggest basic skills that doctors these days lack is the skill of communication. After paying thousands of rupees we expect doctors to give the patient at least 10 minutes, hear about their problem, their lifestyle, rather than just getting top layer information and prescribing medicines.

Similarly, the issue of judgemental gynaes is one the biggest ones I have seen. I have heard that gynaes, working at one of the biggest private hospitals in Karachi, use old school words and synonyms instead of using proper vocabulary. And don't even get me started on the fact that how many women have been shamed and bullied for doing and choosing something for themselves and for their private se* life.

The issue is most of the doctors who do have years of experiences are millennials with old school standards, and the need is to educate and train those doctors so that not only they can provide best care for their patients but can also understand them rather than shaming them.


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