Eating disorders

 Pakistanis love food, and why shouldn't we? We have a beautiful cuisine and a range of dishes that not only satisfy our hunger but also our taste buds, but as much as we do love our cuisine which is a part of our tradition as well, we hardly ever talk about disorders relating to eating.

The diet culture that we have adapted and implemented not just to ourselves but to our new generation is a whole different topic which we will cover later, but the fact that a lot of people suffer from bulimia and anorexia nervosa and they don’t even know about it is insane.

Bulimia nervosa in simple words is excessive eating or binging uncontrollably and beyond your limits, anorexia nervosa is the opposite of that, starving yourself to the point where you start losing weight abnormally, it is usually characterized by uncontrollable thoughts of how many calories they would be consuming and/or purging ( the act of getting rid of food from your body through voluntary vomiting)

Both of these conditions are serious medical conditions, which our society is refusing to admit. Rather than treating it, our society depends on quick fixes like hajmola or Green tea for the indigestion, or the so-called diet culture so that they don't gain weight.


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