Diet culture

 As I talked about serious and medical eating disorders in my previous blog, I couldn't help but talk about the toxic diet culture that is now imprinted on our minds.

The unrealistic image of a woman that a society has set is something the west suffers from a lot but that disease seems to have found its way towards our society as well. 

The constant need specifically for a woman to look a certain way, have weight under 50 kgs and following toxic diets like keto, low carb and what not to have unrealistic body weight.

Because of this toxic culture of starving yourself to death to lose weight, the concept of working out regularly to maintain your health has had the worst effect on, because apparently you only workout when you want to lose weight, when in reality PT (physical therapy) is something needed for everyone, every age group and every gender regardless of their overall body weight.

Every second or third girl I know is trying to lose her weight, or every second or third girl considers herself over weight when in reality she is not. Every second or third girl I know is after achieving unrealistic hourglass body when in reality woman's body is made in a way so she can bear the horrors of childbirth, but again our society has failed to let women be comfortable and content with their body.


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