An odd looking man

 I came across an odd looking man in my area.

There is one standard definition of “odd” but really anything can be odd with respect to its environment, wearing luxury designer brands to a Chai dhaba can be odd, maybe not so much but you will definitely get the stares.

But this isn't just about you being odd because of your get up, because we have a wired brain that says, odd looking man are usually suspicious as well, and that's what happened with me, after I saw an odd looking man in an area which does not match his get up, I became suspicious 

And that’s when I thought about how my brain, my subconscious brain got wired like that, because how is it different from the western world thinking that all guys with beards are terrorists. 

Similarly, unconsciously we are biased with so many other things, we see someone physically disabled we start taking pity, which is the last thing they need from us, we see someone mentally disabled we start thinking, of their life is over, even when people with disorders like down syndrome and autism are able to lead a normal life like all of us.

Biasness is sometimes instilled within us and there's nothing we can do about it But being aware about that biases is surely important and necessary to deal with it


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