Your internet Home Economics teacher

 Okay very random but why are we not being taught home economics in school ? Like everyone, boys and girls should have basic knowledge of household management, it's like the most basic things about being a human.

As I grew older, got married, the topic of discussion between us friends changed from where to hangout to, hey what detergent do you use ? And it's frustrating to see how we were not taught the most basic things in life, like how we are so dumb sometimes when it comes to household management and boys even more so.

But nonetheless, this is your internet home economics teacher, and below are few of the basic tips I would give to someone who is now managing their own house

1. The most important one, make a budget and STICK to it, it's gonna save you money and will stop you from over spending as well. I have talked about how to make a budget on one of blogs, Check it out

2. Always do your grocery on a monthly basis not on a weekly basis, except for things that you know won't last for long, like vegetables. 

3. During these times of inflation, while doing grocery, make sure to divide your major grocery (and mostly expensive items) on 2 months, buy half of them (like oil, sugar, rice) in month no 1 and buy the other half of them (like pulses) in month no 2 and make sure to buy enough that can last you for 2 months. This way your grocery bill won't give you a heart attack and you can stay in your budget.

4. If you want to bring your electricity bill to a limit, try turning off some high voltage items during peak hours and avoid using AC during peak hours as well. Also keep a check on your used units you would have an idea how much your bill is gonna be for the month.

5. If you can, try doing it yourself rather than buying it from the store. Want tomato paste ? Can easily be made at home. Want grated cheese ? Buy the cheese blocks and grind them in your grinder.

6. If you have an automatic washing machine, try sprinkling the detergent directly on the clothes rather than adding in the detergent compartment, the clothes turn out way cleaner.

7. If you want to shop for your home, and your budget is a little tight, try paying all the bills first, and shop with the leftover money at the end of the month.

8. A clean home is the best home.

9. Make a habit of cleaning your kitchen on a daily basis, that way your kitchen will always be clean and you would not have to put in too much energy.

10. If you want to avoid eating out, decide the menu for the week beforehand. 

That's it for today.



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