Working women VS Housewife

 As I have shared my journey about how I went from a full time working women to a housewife now, I want to further discuss both the aspects of my life a bit more in detail 

Either you are a full time working woman or a housewife, both of it has its ups and downs and only you know it. 

Being a working woman means always trying to manage your work, your personal life, your relationship with your husband, your relationship with others, your growth, your health, your emotions, your mental health, not to mention working around to adjust in your new family, safe to say it is tiring both physically and mentally.

Being a housewife means now being responsible only for your house (which you were responsible for as a working woman as well), but you still have to effectively manage your relations, your personal life, your growth, your relationship with your husband,  your mental and physical  health and your relationship with your responsibilities as well. Not to menfion, you also have time to pursue your hobbies and passion as well.

But honestly when the better part of your time is not gone on work and commuting to and from work, all of these things get a little easier.

I'm in no way saying that being a housewife is easy, it's a full time job, it's hectic, but the situation I have been in, being a housewife now doesn't seem physically restraining for me, mentally a lot though.

You are in a constant state of scheduling, organizing, managing, that only a woman can understand, not to mention, you are also in the state of confusion as to what exactly are you doing with your life.

I'm not trying to glorify or hate any of the two things which any woman decides to pursue, but what I can say from my experience is that quitting my full time job was the best decision I made for myself. Sure I have my bad days where I'm questioning everything, but I had those days when I was working as well.


Cardi B


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