Uncomfortable convos

 It's your married internet sister and today I'm here to tell you to have that ✨ ️ uncomfortable conversation ✨️ with your husband to be.

I know you have been putting it off, I know you are dreading the awkwardness and maybe you don't know how or where to start so fear not I'm here

Here are few things that people should discuss with their partners before marriage and hopefully be on the same page:

Your views and goals regarding life, whether you want to work full time or not, this is definitely something on which you both need to be on the same page because otherwise it's gonna create a lot of problems mostly for you.

Your role and responsibilities, talking about Islamic POV you are not responsible to do anything so if you don't want to do any house chores or you feel like you might need some time to get around to communicate it with your partner effectively.

If and when you want kids, this is something a lot of girls feel shy talking about but this is definitely the most important one.

Educating your partner on female health, our society has stigmatized female health and menstruation and most if not all men have little to no idea regarding this, so talk about it beforehand, and educate your partner specially how to handle your mood swings 😜

Dass all for today.



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