Things I did before my wedding

 This one is for all the brides to be, if you are getting married even in the next 3 months, here are some things you need to prioritize from today onwards.

Start getting facials, not those emergency, whitening facials, but facials that have lasting impacts and long term effects on your skin, like Janssen or Guinot facials.

Also even if you are unable to get facials done every month, please invest in your everyday skincare routine,it makes a huge difference as well, all of this is to ensure that your makeup looks amazing on your wedding day and also even after that.

A lot of girls also want to get full body wax done, this is completely your own choice as it can be very painful. I did get my wax done but it was the first and last time that I did it, definitely ain't gonna happen again. But wax or no wax, start using body scrubs and invest in your body care as well like body lotions, body mists, deodorants.

One thing that is overlooked a lot is packing. I understand it's a very emotional and mentally challenging task, but start packing at least a month before and if you can, start sending some stuff over to your newest home to be as well, it makes the whole process hassle-free.

And last but definitely not the least, is take care of yourself, eat well, drink plenty of water, don't skip meals, take care of your skin and avoid experimenting with any new products that might react and most importantly enjoy all your events and your preps as well, you are gonna miss this time a lot so try and salvage every moment of it.



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