Shut Up !

 Have you ever come across people who are the opposite of the face of change ? Like we are living in 2024 and you still think like that bruh ? That is the real cringe if you ask me

We are living in a society where trolls feed on people's insecurities and if you have acne, have put on some weight or lost some weight, or failed or not working or you are working or you're basically just a woman, you must eye roll these idiots on a daily basis.

Monica, friends, eye roll

Funny thing is how they always pretend to be the expert on every single issue you are going through and they give you the most insane HoMe rEmeDieS you have ever heard. The craziest remedy I have received is to apply vinegar to pimples. Vinegar

It's high time we start giving a shut up call to these people, who have insecurities of their own and they project it on other people. In reality, they are the ones suffering with self confidence and making it difficult for those who have abundance of it.



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