
With all the hatred and killing happening in the world and especially in Falat33n, I couldn't help but feel relieved and grateful for the life I get to spend with my loved ones.

Often we forget the biggest blessings of our life, and it's high time we start appreciating these. We should be thankful for each day that we get to eat, breathe, pray and live our lives comfortably, we should be thankful that we get to have another day to atone for our sins, we should be thankful for having a roof over our heads.

With that being said, it's also a high time we start making efforts to build a strong relationship with Allah. In my opinion, when such a horrible genoc1de is happening and you see people still being dumb founded, and supporting this genoc1de, your belief in this world starts fading away, you start to build a strong believe that this cannot be it, those murders cannot getaway that easily there has to be a judgment day, there has to be a day where every one of them will be questioned.

You have to believe that there is a much stronger power at hold, who will bring justice to the oppressed because how else can you cope with these situations? What brings me peace is thinking about how every one of them will be answered, they will get what they put out whether in this world or hereafter, because no one can or will be able to do this except Allah.


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