Being married

 Those who are about to get married, consider this post as a little insight of how your life is gonna be.

It's nothing negative or positive, but it's weird how marriage changes you.

The office

Being married means never being fully happy at one place, it means having pieces of your heart at different places.

When you are with your husband you have this extinct habit of always taking care of him, but when you go to your mother's you realize wow I miss being spoiled and actually just eating and not having to worry about cooking.

When you are at your mother's, you enjoy the land pyaar, but in the back of your mind you are also always worried if your husband ate or not.

Being married means feeling guilty and jealous for not being able to spend time with your parents and friends, but then feeling awful when you do leave your husband and family and try to spend some time with your friends and siblings.

And sometimes you're gonna miss your old self as well, you are gonna miss the time when you were not married, you are gonna miss when you used to be carefree, but you won't be able to TAKE A BREAK from being married and that's okay, it does not you don’t love your married life, it just means you are human and your are changing and that's good because change is inevitable 


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