Adult friendships

 Despite the title being a little 18+ it's not what you think it is.

Friendships as an adult, which we all need, but keeping up with your friends is the biggest task there is in my opinion. The fact that we need at least a month to finalize a day when all the friends are free and can finally meet, says it all about adult friendships (again, nothing 18+) 

I love my friends and I have a flex that all of my school friends are still my best friends after around 18-19 years, but as we have all grown into adults and I couldn't be happier to see all of my friends turn into beautiful, matured human beings, there are days when I wish nothing more than for us to be young, immature and like our old selves.

Adult friendships are not only hard because all of you are busy, occupied and just coped up with your own life but it's also sad because no matter what, you still miss your friends a lot but you are at that point of your life where you can't meet them as much as you used to no matter how much you do want to. It's kinda depressing as well because you really can't do anything about it.

With that being said, stop getting angry with friends for not checking up on you or not meeting you enough, it's not their fault that life is hitting them really hard and appreciate low maintenance friendships.



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