Victim Blaming

 Rules to become an authentic desi

Judge others over their relationships and religion

B***h about others and then say, saanu ki ?

And finally blame the victim of any kind that it's their fault they went through it.

Your fault, the good place

As Khaled Hosseini said, "Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds woman. Always.

But it's not just man really, a woman's accusing finger also point towards woman

Have an abusive partner?, Should have told her parents, why didn’t she do that.

Got harassed ? Probably her fault, why does she wear so and so clothes ?

Got cheated on ? Your fault, you failed to satisfy and make your husband happy.

Noticed why I only used pronouns for women because women are the one always being judged and blamed even when it's men who are at fault.

The root cause of any problem in our society is always blamed on women and apparently the only solution for it ends up with women staying at home.

If our society is half as hard on men as it is on women, more than half of our problems would be solved.

The daily show with Trevor Noah



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