Meet Huzz B End

 I think it’s about time I introduce the Huzz B End on my blog as well.

Contemplating about my way of introducing him here, but oh well here wo go:

Name: Muhammad Huzaifa Bin Qasim.

Age: Turning 30 this year

Occupation: Civil Engineer

Part Time Occupation: Annoying his wife AKA me.

Hobbies & Interests: Same as above.

Likes & Dislikes: Likes what his wife likes, and dislikes what his wife loves, which is sweets.

Attributes: Extremely ticklish.

Nature: Like a 15 year old, trapped inside the body of an adult.

Some other FAQs:

Why do I call him Huzz B End ?

Huzz B end is derived from two names, “Huzz”  is from Huzaifa, and “B End” is from husband, just not the traditional one.

What’s the age gap between us ?

7 years.

Do I call my Huzz B End “Tum” ?

Yes I do.

Briefly define your Huzz B End in a few sentences ?

Sweet, fun, loving, caring, thoughtful, passionate person who is extremely sensitive about the people he loves, always in a mood for having broadway pizza.

But with all honesty, and all jokes aside, I feel like defining a person, any random person, is a pretty tough job, let alone defining your life partner, your Huzz B End.

You meet someone and you think, wow, they have got a pretty good personality, they have a good sense of humor, they understand your sarcasm, and you wonder, whether or not they will be a good person to spend the rest of your life with ?

Well, it might not be the exact same things that people ponder upon, but that was exactly what I thought when I got a proposal from Huzaifa, and the answer to that question is what made me say Yes to his proposal in the first place. 

Defining a person, as I feel like, is putting them in a circle, giving them a label, just comprising them in a few sentences, when in reality they are so much more which cannot be put into words, and that’s exactly how I feel about Huzaifa.

Yes, I can tell you a little bit about his nature, what he is like, using some fancy vocabulary but I won’t be able to truly define him in a few sentences, especially right now when there’s still so much more for us to discover about each other.

There are good and bad habits in every person, if you are choosing your life partner based on some of their good qualities, you might get disappointed after a while, it only sucks for you.

On the other hand, choosing your partner, while keeping in mind that none of you are perfect, and focusing on long term happiness and whether you actually want to spend the rest of your life with them, can benefit you a lot. Choose wisely and wholeheartedly, but not under pressure.

Alright mates, enough for today I guess.



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