Marriage is hard

 I'm sure you have heard people say “Wait till you get married…” and mostly not in the good sense tbh, but why do people talk about your siblings' marriage that will actually change things way before your own marriage.

What you thought I'm talking about my marriage hah no not today (some sarcasm to deal with the emotional wreck this blog is going to be)

If you have got older siblings and in my case wayyyy older siblings, I'm talking about 13-14 years older, chances are:

Siblings ❌️ second parents ✅️

And boy if I tell you how things are gonna be different for YOU when they get married, that would be an understatement. Off course it's going to be very different and difficult for them as well, completely acknowledging that but today we are talking about the collateral damages.

I was basically forced to become an adult when my sister got married because apparently I had to accept the fact that my sister is not gonna be living with us and pretend that I'm not jealous of my BIL that he got to live with her (ngl that was legit my thought process)

But my sister's marriage changed me more as a person than my own marriage did, and for good I believe, I grew a lot as a person, I grew quieter (definitely an advantage if you ask my family), I became more sensible or so I thought I did, I became responsible too, someone had to fill in the shoes I mean, so it was not that bad.

But if you are someone who went through this or maybe will go through this just acknowledge your feelings and don't let anyone tell you that you are being selfish.


Tonight show, Jimmy Fallon


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