Jumping on the bandwagon

 Picture this.

You are fresh out of college, you are a graduate now, you have earned your desired degree from a reputable university, you are planning to get a job, build a life for yourself, you have got a job as well, maybe not what you were planning for but it’s a start, you have everything figured out for yourself, the same old cliche plan.

22 tak padhae, 25 par naukri 27 par shadi and so on. As typical as it sounds, if it works for you who cares. ?

Joey, friends

Well now, what will be your reaction when you get to know that, this plan of yours has hit a road bump, and no I don’t mean like “can’t get a job”, or “not getting your ideal CGPA” kind of a road bump. I mean a major road bump, like getting married to a stranger, road bump.

If you are a Pakistani girl you can relate to this completely and I know what you are gonna say, that Salwa c’mon it’s your life, your decisions, you can choose whatever you want to do, but you know if you live in a desi household it’s not REALLY your life. 

Giving reasons like I want to build a career for myself, and work hard, to your family seems a bit unconvincing when your family is building a much stronger case on why you should be marrying this stranger. 

Well, then what, I jumped on the bandwagon and got engaged to my fiance who’s now my husband. Not because my family pressured me, but because my family provided sensible reasoning that made sense to me and most importantly because deep down I was ready to get married. All my family did was push me to get past my fears and embrace a new chapter of my life and I’m glad they did, because that was one of the best decisions I have made in all my 22 years of life on this planet earth. 

On the other hand, if you don’t think you are ready to embark on this journey that has roads like that of Karachi’s after the rainy season, then, DON’T.

Getting married and getting into a relationship is an extremely big change in your life and a huge responsibility as well, and no amount of good reasonings, and facts like, the guy is amazing, should convince you to get married, not even if the guy is Jihan Sikander from Jannat k Pattay (Nemrah Ahmed), or Salar Sikander form Peer e Kamil(Umerah Ahmed), Yes, not even them.

Well, that’s about enough details of my personal life for now.

Until then, toodles.


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