
No it's not about food, sorry to burst your bubble 

But this one is about desis beef with working out and more importantly desis dilemma with women working out and lifting weights.

In general humans and in specific desis have such a complex relationship with exercises and gyming, because widely I have seen people believing that working out = losing weight, which is so not true.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for everyone, men, women, kids, elderly to workout and just move. It can be a 30 min walk or if you have the stamina you can do more.

And it's even more beef when it comes to women working out, because

1 If you have gained weight, you should hit the gym ASAP

2 If you have now lost the weight or you don’t need to lose weight and you are still going to the gym or working out you should stop it because “giRls ShOulD nOt woRkoUt that muCh”

3 Annnnd if you are lifting weights that's like you have lost your femininity, if you know what I mean.

Girls, boys, kids, please try and develop a healthy relationship with exercise, it doesn't need to be an hour long session or even 30 minutes, you can start with as low as 15 minutes a day and do what you like and enjoy and not feel pressured doing it,whether it is cardio, abs, yoga, pilates or even a 15 min walk, and do it with the mindset of investing in your overall health, not with the mindset of losing weight, let this be your motivation and just start.



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