My family did not support me wearing hijab

 My decision to wear a hijab was inspired by a really great urdu novel Jannat ke Pattay by an amazing writer Nemrah Ahmed, it’s an OG and you must have heard about it, if not read it.

You know what they say that some books have a lasting impact on you, well that was the scenario with me after I read Jannat ke Pattay, and after reading that I had decided I wanted to do hijab full time, but my family considered it a rash decision.

decisions, big decision

Honestly I don’t blame them, taking hijab is a big decision and going ahead with it without giving it a second thought and later down the path giving it up because you are not able to keep up with it is what I have seen a lot, and I’m actually glad that my family stopped me at that time, because that give me the chance to really think about it.

I held on to my decision for around a year, gave it a thought and I went ahead anyway because I knew what I wanted to do.

It’s been around 7 years since I have been wearing a hijab and that’s the one thing I love most about myself.


However I don’t like the fact that as a hijabi I’m always on the radar of haram police, being judged and criticized. As a hijabi I don’t claim to be a pious and righteous muslim, as a hijabi, I don’t consider myself sinless. As a hijabi, I’m still a human being and I make mistakes.

And I think that’s the biggest reason why some girls, if not all, don't opt to wear hijab full time or even if they do, they give it up down the line, and that’s on the so called haram police of our society.



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